After the initial weakening of the single currency on the back of the weekend's political developments in both France and Greece, the euro crawled back through most of Monday's session, although volumes were naturally muted by the London holiday. In France, there is a new President keen to rebalance the agenda in Europe towards growth and away from yet more austerity. In Greece, there is a mad scramble to try and form a government from the results of the latest election, which at present looks to be a tall order. Now, the task of forming a new government has fallen to the leader of the Syriza party, who is seeking to re-negotiate the bail-out terms. Meanwhile, writing in the FT today, the head of the German Bundesbank (Weidmann) has, in no uncertain terms, made clear that the ECB is not set to bow to pressure from anyone to do more to help. Not surprisingly, he is clear about the limits of what the ECB can achieve and shows no signs of giving ground to any fresh-faced European leaders. Politically at least, we are heading for a turbulent few weeks in Europ