Status: Open
Selected Providers:
Budget: $750-$1500 USD
Created: 03/24/2011 at 10:11 PKT
Whelan Property Group is seeking to update their current website. Phase one of the project has been completed and involved consolidating platforms and moving the website to one chosen platform (Word Press).Phase one uncovered the need for additional work. The scope of this project includes;
General Updates:
- Some additions to the page templates (footer and header)
- Locking of the “copy” (Cntrl+C) function on all pages to block the public from being able to copy and paste Whelan property group web content
- Change in graphics (Whelan property to purchase and provide)
- Introduction of a significant number of sub pages to the existing pages (approx 8)
- Introduction of some title pages (approx 3)
- Addition of links to other Whelan Property pages on some of the title pages
- Complete content overhaul. (Whelan property group to provide all written content).
- Amendment of the quote form. Updated quote form to be visible on main quote page (currently linked through button)
- Addition of an employment form to the new employment sub page
- Addition of a linked site map
- Removal of the current data and link for “forms” as these will now be available as general information for all users in the new login page (as per the below).
Addition of (or other website login, to be provided) to allow users to login to view information based on their user profiles and not be able to see other Strata Plans information.
Here is an example:
User goes to and clicks on “Login Button”> User is redirected to . User is able to use login screen to enter another platform that houses our user security etc. remains in wordpress.
User 1, 4 and 5 login and have access to and visibility of data folder 1 only and some general information that is available to all users such as our internal forms.
User 3,7 and 6 login and have access to and visibility of data folder 2 only and some general information that is available to all users such as our internal forms.
and so on...
- No limit to user profiles that are available
- No limit to folders available
- Easy to administer and setup
- Online password resetting
- Secure
- General info available to everyone who logs in (but not the public)
- Look in feel to be in line with
Job Type